

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Just found this..so many ideas..check for the link at the end

And I have to try and catch up today with so many things. Converting the pantry to a guest washroom, finish renovating the laundry and one of the garden beds. Trying to get a new wood burner installed..such a protracted affair with the local council taking 20 working days to process 1 piece of paper i.e 1 month! So the new burner is sitting in the middle of the living room floor.
Autumn is hiding - we've stunning weather still reaching 25C or thereabouts everyday so when Winter comes it will be a real 'smack' of change. This morning was a typical Autumn start - misty with a hazy sun.

Yesterday was cool so took the time to continue with one of the flower borders and I felt good when I'd seen how much was done..the whole garden looks rough to my eyes though mostly due to my impatience. The last garden I made took 3 years so why I should expect to have achieved more I don't know..
 Don't like the bright yellow of the wood mulch but it won't stay this colour for long once the Winter weather has had it's effect. And it works: I've lost a few shrubs due to the drought and most are hanging on. That one weekend of cyclone weather managed to fill all the tanks so I can water without being too concerned about how much water is left. I've a separate tank for the garden which is ideal; I've seen two water truck drive past to my neighbours in the last week as they haven't enough left, given the weather pattern shows a fe weeks of hot weather still to come.

I tend to wake up with thoughts of what I'd like to do to the garden next or with what I need to fix inside the house. My dreams still veer towards and it's potential. It's a mix of different components and I keep thinking about building a wooden pathway through the dell on the other side of the drive. It slopes away to what used to be the old road so could be ideal to have a few wooden terraces would be great. Have to build it myself though.

And I found this wonderful website - now I'm thinking of a Summerhouse. look for the Architecture link and the Wildlife photgraphy


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