

Monday, 30 June 2014

A good time to show the old bathroom

Now that the new cylinder is in place it's a good time to show the bathroom and hot water cupboard set up.
 This is showing what was the old cupboard from the dining room. The layout of this house is very old-fashioned and one of my needs is to change this. Our way of living has changed greatly so having a bathroom off the dining area is no good, nor is the toilet just down the hallway which is reached by first walking through a large pantry.
 Here, you can see the bathroom to the right and on the left the start of the hall which leads to the mezzanine floor and 2 bedrooms. To the left along this narrow hall is the pantry and from the the toilet. The idea is to place a wall on the right hand side on this picture and to block off access from the dining room. On the other side of the bathroom wall (right-hand side) is my bedroom, so I'll make a door in what is now the wall...
 So, this means the cabinet with the old cylinder will be cut off and removed with the new cylinder now on the right-hand side. A new shower will be built pretty much from where this picture was taken and with removing the left-hand side of the cupboard a new wash stand or vanity will be installed.
 When I first bought this house I had ideas of replacing the old original bath - a bit silly I now think. Almost impossible to buy these now for anything less than a small fortune, so in time I'll have it re-enameled and have the feet gilded - can do that myself as I;ve got gold-leaf somewhere. and it give me the chance of maybe changing the colour of the enamel.
 So here it's easier to see where the new wall will be. The half wall on the left will be taken out and a wall built on the right. In the right-angle between the green wall and the new wall is where the shower cubicle will go - and plenty of space for a large one money permitting.

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